Purpose & Description
In 2009, the film Avatar… was released, where it immersed us in a parallel where you can enjoy perfect health, an enviable physical state, where it made reality look like a nightmare to which one would not want to return.
Today in 2024, reality glasses allow an initiation into a parallel world where you can be an avatar and play in different spaces in the metaverse.
At our school we have a space where we can play and explore the metaverse, there are different games. You can play tennis with your friend, tour the multiverse, play music with beat saber. Children from different grades meet every day with the excitement of finding free Oculus virtual reality glasses. It has become a custom for many to enjoy this activity at lunch or at recess.
Without a doubt, this practice makes the use of this technology very common, and progress is being made in order to make it more effective when used in educational matters. Several teachers have been able to carry out some experiences related to the area of science. In the following articles we will be sharing the different experiences lived in our Vr Lab, we invite you…