Purpose & Description
The “Burning Bright” project, recently held at the cafetorium, arose from the initiative to create an interdisciplinary project between the areas of English, Music and Art. This proposal was conceived by Professor Alejandro Reyes and had the strong support of the teachers of the other areas involved, Liliana Mejia in the Art area and the teachers of the music department. The ninth grade students, the true protagonists of this great project, showed courage and passion by making their public debut, performing their own compositions. It is important to note that none of the participants had received formal training in instruments or had previous experience in interpretation, which is why we repeatedly emphasize their excellent presentation. This incredible display of talent was made possible by the ‘PULL-OUTS LESSONS’ program in fine arts. This program, led by our dedicated and passionate music teachers -Willington Urbina, Ana Hernandez and Giovanni Cunha-, offers students a personalized and high quality musical training focused on the instrument of their choice. For the success of this program, we had the valuable collaboration of external teachers from Universidad del Atlántico, Universidad Reformada and Universidad del Norte, who also made a significant contribution to this project. We would like to highlight and thank the participation of each student in this exciting project. To relive the essence and emotion of this special day, we invite you to explore the images we have shared.